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Aug 2013
Philoxenic appetence
Disproportionate benevolence
Myself: an object, given away
A transient drifter with always somewhere to stay

Exuberant sorrow ever-wishing to deject
Deception duplicates
A heart burnt black
Focussed on the lacking, unable to bounce back

Mouths to feed
Needy hands grapple to extract
No fact needed
Smoky contortion
Inhaled greedily

Ready for the downfall
Open to the wind
Upward spirals shy away from the world they crave
Mischievous nymphs dance merrily on a stage,
Then lay down to cradle their babes

Slaves to the slovenly
Behaviour of unrest
I know they’re trying hard but is it their best?
Sing a song of sixpence, your fingers in my pie
Life is not serious
We’re all destined to die
Andrea Cullen
Written by
Andrea Cullen
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