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Apr 2021
He was like fire and ash. So similar, yet so different in the same rain. He lived in the moment. Then she did the same. He died in the moment. But then still she did the same. He tried to walk in the light, while she walked alongside the light from the moon above. He was the day. She was the day and the stars to him. Each of them knew each day mean't a new set of twenty four hours. Each day mean't anything was possible. he was like fire, she was like the ash. So similar, yet still the same in the beat of the silver storm. He lived in the moment. She did the same. He died in the moment, and still she repeated. He tried to walk in the light of the day, this time, they went together.Β Mixing brown and green created the olive. Their love gave a whole new meaning to the word day.
Poem inspired by June and Day from the book ''Legend by Marie Lu''
Written by
Alex  19/F/Canada
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