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Apr 2021
like the ocean
always returning to our Source
to the stillness,
Yin, the feminine, within.
Breathing deep and offering each breath to Her,
Mother Earth.

All of her plants gracefully accepting the gift of our breath.
Using it with the Water of Life
and the power of Him,
pure Light, Yang, the Sun,
to produce the sweet nectars within the Fruit of Life.
Releasing fresh oxygen molecules for us to thrive on.

Breathe deep, full and complete.
Witness the bounty being offered
just by sharing your breath with Her.
Remembering and repeating this one action is Devotion.
All the Yoga, all the practices, are just teaching us to  Breathe.
They're clearing all that is preventing us from breathing,
from just being with Her
sitting up within Her
laying still, being held by Her.
She is always there,
Loving, Supporting.

Beathe Her in.
Offer every breath to Her,
and She will return each gift back multiplied.

Create space for Her,
Empty the bowels,
Open the Heart,
Free up the mind Space,
Clear the clutter.

She is ready for you.

Are you ready for Her?
Naam Ra Jah
Written by
Naam Ra Jah  35/Gender Fluid/Golden State of mind
(35/Gender Fluid/Golden State of mind)   
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