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Apr 2021
I quite often wonder
At night when I'm in bed
Why lots of stupid, silly things
Go racing through my head
Things that wouldn't trouble me
At all when its daylight, but suddenly
All hell breaks loose when I turn off the light.

I worry about the pain I have in my right big toe
Is it cancer? Is it gout? Will it have to go?
I lie and fret and fuss about things I've said and done
Not recent things I might add but in nineteen ninety-one
Then the dreaded guilt kicks in and cuts me like a knife
Was I a perfect mother, daughter, sister, wife?

My head is fit for bursting now I can't take it anymore
The clock shines bright beside me it's only half-past four!
And then I start to think about what causes this each night
Too much coffee? Too much wine? No more drinking after nine!
And then a sliver of light shines through, the sunlight starts to spread
I feel much calmer, more serene now the night is dead.
Written by
Tuesday Grace  F/Gozo
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