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Apr 2021
Now When It Comes To Blacks...
Who CLAIM To LOVE Black Clans...
When It Comes To Their Getting Cash...

I Suggest That You Follow THAT...
Before You Swallow Their Chat... !!!

As Well As How They Roll...
When It Comes To Their Dealings...
With.... WHITE Folks.... !!!

Because You See Some Cloak...
Like Vessels In Those Shows... !!!

That We ALL Follow... !!!

Now That Quote’s...

One That’s... DOPE... !!!

Just Like Poetic Flows...
That You Folks Should Follow CLOSE... !!!
But THIS Poem... Is NOT About Those... !!!

It’s Poetry That Speaks...
About Following Things CLOSELY...

ARE Things As They Seem... ?

Just Like This NEED For Vaccines...
For This Thing... Covid-19... ?!?

And That’s NOT Some CONSPIRACY...
That’s Based On Some... " THEORY "...

It’s A QUESTION DON’T You See... ?!?

Or Are You Simply...
NOT Following Me... ?!?

What I’m STRESSING Is That...
Poetry From... BIG V...

Or The Connoisseur...
of MOSTLY Spoken Words... !!!
Writes Things That MAYBE...
You Should Follow Close... ?!?

Like How Legalities...
In The FDA And CDC...
Are Being Linked CLOSELY...

When It Comes To Money...
And Making Vaccines...
MANDATORY For Everybody...
In... New York City...
As Well As Yes Cali'... ?!?

Could This Next Be Seen...
Across The World GLOBALLY... ?

Now I’m Just Saying What IF... ?
NOT Alleging Anything... !!!
Or Accusing Anyone...
of Controlling Humans...

But What I Am SAYING...
Is That Following This...
Might PROTECT Your Kids... ?!?


THINK About Things... !!!

BEFORE You’re FORCED Into Moves...
That May NOT Help You...
And Those Around You...
Who You Nurture From Youth...

WHAT You NOW Follow Closely... !!!
May Well Affect Our Human Breed...
In Ways NOT Good To See...
In Global Future Scenes... ?!?

Follow Where It Is That I’m Heading....
Because THIS Poems Bearing...
Hits Johns HARDER Then LEGENDS... !!!

Like LTJ... I Got...
LOGICAL Progressions... !!!

HOTTER Than Test Pressings...
of Verses In Sessions...
That I Really Cannot Mention...

Because of Their Vocal AGGRESSION... !!!
But These Words Have A Trend That’s Setting...


To Current Movements And New Ventures...
Deals AND NEW... BIG Cash Adventures...
Like Those Made On... Legal Benches... !!!

And Bars Where Future Cards...
May Serve Humans Up Like... BONDS...

NO James Just World Nations Charged...
To Have Humans NOT Follow What Harks...

From Boardrooms Where Law Talk...
May Well Just... TEAR APART...
How We Humans SHOULD Follow Paths... !!!

Where... Greed And Control...
Are NOT Things That Take Hold...
of What Humans Believe To Be HEART... !!!

And I’m Really NOT Trying To Be Smart...
I’m Just Speaking And Using THAT Part...
of My Mind To Impart...

That... Y’all KNOW That... !!!
Our Futures Are On A Dark Path...
Cos' You Really Don’t Have To Look Far... !!!

New Tech’s Growing FAST...
When Robots Walk And DANCE... !?!
And What’s Being Asked...
May Well Become DEMANDS...

Because of The Path...
That This Covid Has Marked... !!!

But... ONLY If We...
When It Comes To Moves Made...
By These... BIG Companies... !!!

And Leaders Now Paid...
To Indulge Secrecy...

That Leads To Policies...
That Breed Forms of Disease...
Like This One That We Currently See... !!!

Are You Folks Following Me... ?

About Which I’m Speaking... !!!
That Will Affect Our Kids...
And What Futures May Bring...

So..... AVOID NASTY Stings...
That Some Infections Bring... !!!

Now Those Words Are A JOKE... !!!

If You Now Get The Zones...
To Where My Thinking Goes...


Just Like What’s NOT Shown...
That People SHOULD Know... !!!

You Must Turn Down Dark Roads...
And Embrace The Unknown...

So That You DON’T Get Blown...
Off Your Course Like DUD Drones...
Because What You CHOSE...
Was To Act Like Some Clone... !?!

USE Your Time Locked At Home...
To Now USE Your Smart Phone...

To Sometimes Get To Know...
What Some Heads Are Saying...
Who’ve Had Certain Roles...
That They Chose To FORGO... !!!

Some Things That They're Revealing...

Are Things That... In...
These Days And Times...
Are Really NOT Wise...
To Be... Tossing Aside... !!!

If They Give BLATANT Signs...
of Our Lives Future Vibes... !!!

Of Course...

ONLY Those Who KNOW...
Will KNOW What Future Rolls....
of The Dice Are Set To SHOW... !!!

But We Need To Stay Advised...
of Laws Now Being Signed...
And Passed As Being RIGHT...

BEFORE They Pass Us By... !!!

So Should INFORM Our Minds...
of Plans Being Designed...
That May Well Decide...
Define And CONFINE...
Most Peoples’ Future Lives... !!!

Because These AREN’T Times...
For... Laughter And Smiles... !!!

Because Some Are CLEARLY NO Joke... !!!

So Folks...

... “ Follow Them Close “... !!!.
As the poem says folks, because as much as there's a lot of crazy conspiracies, there's a lot of very interesting, and more reasonable sources of information out there, that are passing on things about what's being talked about, and being planned for our futures...

It Can't ALL Be Lies ...
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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