Priest! Ha! utter unto my ears why you would dare bother to face your whimsy fears?
Priest! Fool! Throw your toys away! Your god is vain, you, insane, and to Him you'll inevitably sway!
Your power on Earth is derived from fear that you should burn in hell and so preach to all that lend an ear to lie to them of hell
Priest! Fool! Know ye not of Micheal's sword? which perversely fell, and began to rust as shall all the faithful to the faithless lord!
Priest! Ha! Your incompetence is great to think that petty water and blood may help you avert your fate! Accept your fate!
I strongly disagree with preachers believing in going to Heaven, because, if they are so worried of NOT going to Heaven, and must join the Church to state their faith, then surely they are unsure and are afraid of God, rather than loving him.