stitch me up, with needle and thread and calm the noise inside my head and all the thoughts that bring me down the emptiness of this town it weighs me down like a wet coat sink or swim or will i float? sing to me, soft and sweet calm the tapping of my feet nervous habits are hard to break and sometimes it's too much to take do you know what this is, the way i feel when it's hard to distinguish what is real because the world is just so full and i can feel her pull and i'm afraid i'll fall why do i risk it all? for the beauty of the joy and pain music pours down like rain and my senses are so alive i don't know that i'll survive because it always seems like too much the way we laugh, the way we touch longing to be connected adored and respected and then left alone to find my way home because i always need that space and the peace of finding my place in this world covered in dust and vines i long for the sun and how she shines but even the rays become too bright and i crave the comfort of the night because i can hide the way it feels inside to feel so much all at once