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Mar 2021
my heart hurts
i see the skyscrapers and then the empty roads
glistening in the falling light, a wondrous gold
painting and paining my soul

why can't i be free like that? why can't i
run along the road like those lucky characters
who have parents overseas and perfectly shaped knees
and the eyes of an artist's hands that shaped and colored
them just so?

i want to be free. i want to go outside. i want to be like them. i want to fall in love and get my heart broken and then shake it off and and run through an empty park at sunset without worrying about my parents and go to school and live and laugh and just breathe

when will i do that?
maybe in high school? or college? or the distant lands of the future beyond?

i hope i can do that.
freedom is just beyond the fence, but i can't jump it. never mind, i can, i'm just not allowed to
Written by
icelar  16/F/somewhere
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