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Jul 2013
We were good friends once,
you and I .
Remember? All those
good times we had...

I looked you up today,
and I hurt for you.
Part of me wanted to go back
and save the parts you lost.

I can't help you anymore.
You ache and I plead.
Just get better, okay?
I can't stand feeling guilty.

You wished death upon me,
but I saw you wither away instead.
Eat, darling, and remember those
midnight coffee runs.

Take a trip to Starbucks,
I know your order still...
Just order my old usual,
and grace your lips with food.

You've destroyed the girl I
had once known well.
It's okay, just get better,
because I can't stand to see you ill.
Victoria LaRochelle
Written by
Victoria LaRochelle
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