‘‘I was always skating on wet glass. Always had this anxiety. Tension to never be able to relax, Never knew from moment to moment what was the rule. I have been balancing on a tightrope in this home. Sure I wanted to take the reins. End it myself. But I couldn’t face the thought that I would be spared, but the little ones left behind.”
In intimate partner violence the head, neck, and face. Are the most commonly injured body parts with most occurring on the left side of the face as 90% of the population is right-handed.
Strangulation is of specific note, as it induces behavioral and emotional reactions which in turn facilitate coercive control via fear, inability to effectively resist, and prostrated trust.
Consciousness can be removed in seconds, brain death administered in minutes. Even weeks afterwards, the risk of carotid artery dissection, stroke, and seizures persists.
Even stable appearing survivors free from obvious marks are not free of morbidity due to the abundance of internal injuries.
Oftentimes without subsequent violence an abusive partner can forever exert and maintain control.
An unfiltered pretension and paranoia, reeking like empty coffee pots on hot burners, smoldering in humiliation of a night that will never dawn.