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Feb 2021
Cleanse the palate
how can Canio perform his aria
while composing a ballad
his makeup reveals his face turned pallid
tear down all the balconies; his artistic felonies
he endeavors across seas; Christ the nail and mallet
posters read of the miracle of envies,
the clamor of lyrical frenzies
spiritual withdrawal lacking wise wherewithal
silver rings raise curtains, brass and wooden strings
the song bird sings, hear my call, he collects the golden things
to his pearls he clings, see him crawl,
all the colors robbed of evening, all the beauty stolen from the dawn
shadows of pretense cast long, darkening the future, for the show must go on.

Inexorable deeds are traded
paper sins are made
greater the weight of one can turn
to many tiny stains in the path we've laid
scar and ink and burn, for all that we will learn
is reaction ingrained with experience in pain,
draw from this well knowing that the difference cannot be repaid
travel away from here in fear and we will only come back to it more afraid
seriousness devours childhood foolishness with karmic harshness
a just punishment for all the games we played
unhinged, yet, the door closes fully to allow the consciousness to fade
expel hell from view, red and weary, you...
see this lullaby alibi reality of escapism is really a place you never should have stayed.
please read and enjoy
Tom Shields
Written by
Tom Shields  28/M/Texas
   Bogdan Dragos
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