O Eldest Tree, I look at your gnarled hands which have witnessed all our history as you sit in Time’s grassy lands.
You were already ancient when we capped the great pyramid, Long before that, you were Gilgamesh’s Haven Under your leaves Adam hid
Methuselah scrawled his name in your bark, your siblings built Noah’s Ark, for Moses your leaves blazed in shame
Jesus smiled upon your leaves, Buddha pondered the universe, your branches eaves of the Great Prophets.
O Eldest tree sheathed in mystery all life bows before you, including Ozymandias- who fell and swore.
When we knew no words you spoke daily with birds, before we built our Babel you knew the River’s gabble.
O Eldest Tree When you look at me, So short lived, so tiny, what is it that you see?
Am I even a drop in the ocean of eternity? To you, Eldest Tree, where does my place begin?
Eldest Tree please look at me tell me I have meaning something from me worth gleaning
For I feel like a wind tossed in your leafed tresses another of Earth’s messes, O Eldest Tree.
O Eldest Tree, Set in Time’s Sands, Old when we capped the pyramids, O Tree of Merlin’s staff, I try to etch my name on you, but my knife’s too dull to pierce your adamantine skin. ~ NM 2/12/21