When a person is your whole world, An image without them just cannot be formed. Every moment is a moment with them. Every memory a piece of Our Life Together. And you think, this is love. This heart- and mind- consuming feeling, that he will always be yours. Ownership. Over a person? Yes. But more. After all those years, he knows you, better than anyone, you always say. Things feel comfortable and...right. But is that the definition of love? How can one define a word consisting of so many different words to begin with? To each his own, and so it is. But i say, this is not love. Waking you up just to jump off the pier at midnight, hands intertwined. Love is spontaneous. When you're in a crowded space and there is only one thing, just that one person, that sticks out, a bond stronger than the others, holding you there. You can't break free, and don't know why. Love is unquestionable. Missing dinner for a game in overtime. Love is unnerving. Coming to sit by your side, even after a fight. No words, the star-speckled sky will do the healing. Love is simply the act of being there.