On the night of my fifteenth birthday, I cried myself to sleep. It was ugly crying, the type of choking-into-pillowcases that makes your stomach hurt, almost as much as your heart.
I think emptiness is somehow the most consuming because it takes all of you, and overwhelms it with deafening nothingness. Like absence somehow has substance, and the absence of feeling had a feeling.
It was never as hard as I made it out to be, because sitting in a house that the rent could not be paid for was not the same as going hungry on the streets. But I was unhappy regardless, despite, in defiance of all the small joys in my life.
A beautiful poetry book. A glass bottle of soda. A burning stick of incense. A bouquet of flowers. A new set of bedsheets. A text from a friend. All the small joys in my life, in which I could find none.