I was called shameless the other day they certinaly meant it positively but I wasn't quote sure what it means especially in regard to me I've done some thing my life I've definitely crossed some lines both things that I'm not proud of but at the same time they re a part of me they are my history so I looked up shameless in the dictionary braze, barefaced, unblushing,unashamed I suppose that is me because shame is a game that I do not play I'll say whatever I want to say I'll never say anything I don't feel Because all I want in life is to be real to be the best me that I can be because it's a **** shame to be anything else so I'll be brazen and they may not like it but that's their problem and not mine I'm barefaced, they'll say I'm out of my mind I am unblushing, my cheeks show no red I am unashamed of the things I've said I am shameless and I am myself