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Feb 2021
He came into this world fully God and fully man.
having created all things for His glory, butΒ Β they did not recognise Him.
He disturbed them, He was despised by them.
all of nature bowed down to the Light, who was, is and will always be,
but man, in all their pride, rejected Him.
the divine nature and pureness of the lamb of God, subjected to division and darkness of the world.
living among sinners and oppressors.
living among the sick and the outcasts.
He lived a poor man's life and died a sinners death.
rejected by many, but loved by the Father is a love far more lovely than the foolish and temporary love that is often clung to.
Perfect and marvelous
He healed and ate,
taught and laughed
and loved a love that can still be felt through generations
and generations.
Glory, to the One who loves both Jew and Gentile,
Glory to the One who through His blood, brought salvation,
Glory to the One who conquered death,
and glory to He, who despite being hated by many, loved them so much, that He gave them freedom even though they were sinners.
yes, glory to the sinless lamb of God.
Written by
𝐀𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚  21/F/by the streams
(21/F/by the streams)   
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