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Jan 2021
like a smithy's bellow
my chest blows and puffs
stoking the embers of life
which burst into flame
with every other stroke
roaring in mild anger
yet playfully dancing.

my limbs lie dead
my face too
not even a hint
of movement
to punctuate

and yet im soaring
through labyrinths
gliding, sliding,
sidling, sailing
seeing all,
touching all,
here and now.

and at this very point
I am.
and at the next
and the one following
in the continuum.
I see you
and i know you
as i know myself.

how about you
my love?
have you been
through your own labyrinths too?
soaring, sailing like me
looking for me
at every momentary stop?

I know this
and i think you do too
that somewhere
at one of those points
we meet.
and then
nothing else matters.

we'd be wide awake then, won't we?
anilkumar parat
Written by
anilkumar parat  61/M/Kerala, India
(61/M/Kerala, India)   
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