i just want altars to be erected at my bleeding feet want black and maroon candles to bleed over bones and antlers and the leaves of gardenias and the roots of mandrakes i want pomegranates to be split and ripped open over alabaster castings of my bruised soul and i want the phases of the moon and the turning of the tides to mark the eb and flow of my faces from gentle and sweet to ripping open men with black tipped claws i want wine to be poured over my mouth and gold cloth to pour over me i want fires built to the stars and feet dancing in my name so furiously the earth shakes and the oaks move their arms i want incense lit from the cracks in skeletons and mouths to call my name as hexes are cast and salt rings are drawn and i want my hips to be praised as the center of life and i want men to walk in dark forests and over black rivers to count the stones beneath their feet and to leave fresh bread on the thirteenth stone to avoid my ravenous rage but if you would just love me for a moment i could forget the rest of this