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Jul 2013
Everything is a joke to you
The words you say
The things you do
You go through days so passively
From breath to breath
You just don't see
You're blinded by the apathy
The jokes
The laughs
When you go home
And sleep at night
Do emotions crowd
Your little mind
Or do you lay in ignorance
Unfeeling thoughts
Just put to rest
Because when I lay down at night
I'm shaken
By this awful fright
That you never loved a single thing
Not me
Not her
Not anything
Maybe your mind
Just works that way
Functioning through
Day by day
Numb and dull and almost dead
Not thinking thoughts
Just nothing left
Nothing at all
To crowd your mind
Nothing to help you
Pass the time
The days are long
The nights are short
No feeling
Or change of any sort
And so when I sit
And wait for you
I know there's nothing
I can do
Because even if you wanted to
You couldn't feel
The way I do
Written by
Insomnimaniac  New York
(New York)   
   --- and Claire R
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