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Jan 2021
I'll   tell   my   tale   before   I   leave,
Love   happens   -   that   I   do   believe
To   all   of   us,    when   least   we   dare
The   Fate's   decide   when   and   where..

Words   that   tell   what   I   have   seen
Of   places   where   you   too   have   been.
Were   we   then   wrong   not   to   hold
Dreams   encased   in   clothes   of   gold.

Before   the   sun's   high   on   the   day,
A   thousand   luminous   pearls   display
Spells   that   the   night   had   cast
Radiant   though   the   night   is   past.

Did   you   not   scout   all   around
To   trace   the   faint   bubbling   sound
Of   laughter   born   without   a   cause
Your   breath   enmeshed   in   a   pause

To   taste   the   joys   of   careless   dreams
Like   petals   floating   on   the   streams
Oblivious   where   the   waters   go
Just   knowing   they'll   forever   flow.

Did   you   once   dream,    of   a   night,
Past   the   slowly   fading   light
A   dream   that   just   seemed   to   be
For   your   sleeping   eyes   to   see.

Your   feet   were   meant   just   to   grace
Paths   of   fragrant   gossamer   lace
Cradles   in   bursting   colours   styled
Held   rainbow   dreams   swirling   wild

Proud   hearts   once   taught   not   to   feel
Now   in   your   path   learn   how   to   kneel
And   in   your   dream   you   saw   a   face,
Glimpsed   and   gone   without   a   trace.

Something   made   you   hold   your   glance
Not   beauty,    nor   just   naughty   chance,
You   woke   and   you   knew   the   day
Had   come   to   give   your   heart   away.

Afraid,    you   said   "stay   still   and   cold"
Mere   mortals   can't   such   sights   behold
God's   angels   flit   in   sudden   flight
You   saw   them   in   the   drowsy   light

Smelt   the   flowers   of   sudden   love
Showered   by   the   Gods   above
Restraint   began   to   take   its   leave
As   they   their   spell   began   to   weave

Then   dream   on,    both   day   and   night
Through   the   dark,    into   the   light
For   dreams   are   free,    and   yours   to   keep
No   price   to   pay,    awake   or   asleep

Perhaps   these   words   will   make   y­ou   smile
Perhaps,    just   maybe,    for   a   while
You'll   share   with   me   the   tale   I   told
And   clothe   my   world   in   shades   of   gold.
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