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Jan 2021
Drip, drip, was all she could hear. The bit of her blade rested loosely against the tip of her fingertip, lightly. Crimson, followed by raining scarlet, filled her vision quickly. She couldn’t make herself stop thinking about the dark thoughts lingering in her mind. Black then white, white than black. Her shadows chased her around, round and round till she saw stars. It was peaceful…….but only for a moment. She felt the dizziness and her only pieces of happiness faded away as it brought her back to hell………

The light from the kitchen brightened up her face slowly. The bits of leftover food sat motionless in the corner of her plate. Without looking she could see the front door. It was wide open. His footprints still wet as they lead all the way into the cold.

’’It's coming down out there.’’ Told her mother.

’’When the rain pours.’’ She whispered.
Written by
Alex  19/F/Canada
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