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Jan 2021
Summer and Autumn. Light and Dark. Good and Bad. Thunder and lighting. Water and rain. Winter and snowflakes. Friendships and love. Storms and sea. Eyes as cold as night. Midnight lips and a shiny soul. Brightened by the moonlight. Gathered to one place. One place. A place of magic and youth. Fantasy and imagination. This is your place. A place created by the mythical fantasy behind brunette eyes. Stunning jet black hair, a tint of light green formed around the edges. A deepened heart, locked tightly with the bit of a key. The edge of daybreak welcomed her…..But she always declined. There was something waiting for her. Something only she could wait for. Something that loved her, no matter what she thought. No matter the cold and dark thoughts her brain could muster. The eyes of that something could always tell her she was wrong.

The candles joyfully sang for you today. Until you return home, they always will. And until then the heart of your spit will only continue to get bigger and bigger. Until it passes everyone on earth.
Written by
Alex  19/F/Canada
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