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Jan 2021
The madness, the sickness. The horror. The sadness. The logic and the magic. They rose deadly that December night. That snowy night she swore, the snow had blackened. Black snow showers fell all around her as deadly shadows came to embrace her. The darkness swallowed her whole as her eyes resembled them. Resemble those of lose and pain.

She turned around slowly, the sound of crunched snow filling her ears as the shadows guided her carefully. The innocence face she once wore was no more. Bitten and eaten away by the demons that guided her. The look of her love standing there. in front of her. Made her heart want to break even with the black duct tape holding it together. She couldn’t go through the pain again. ’’Not again.’’ She whispered.

The whisper sounded mumbled behind all the blackness of the freezing cold snow. Her love had conquered her demons…..

While she hadn’t…
Written by
Alex  19/F/Canada
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