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Jan 2021
The red dust of the crimson sky, smiled down along side her, as sliver streams of water smiled behind sapphire eyes. The cold breeze of the November night twisted and shattered her heart. standing alone in the velvet haze, diamond souls of saddened souls stood motionless with her. She couldn't see them, but the cold she felt wasn't mistaken-ed. The cool warmth mixing with November wind twisted chillingly inside her lungs, as the cool medal of the gravestone touched her soft, pale skin. The sun had been able to bless her for a while, but tonight. Everything fell still. Still and silent as she collected remains of thoughts, and cold frozen truth. The gravestone her eyes laid down upon, wasn't just any random gravestone. It was her own. Flaming memories mixing with the cold, felt soothing inside her chest. But the shattered remains of the moon reflecting off her eyes, sent a frown to her face. Her soul was once both fire, and ice. You'd fear the ice if you ever crossed her, but the flame could melt your spirit, if loved. She truly was pictured as a Sapphire Diamond.
Written by
Alex  19/F/Canada
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