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Jan 2021
The light flow of warm blood flowed down along the soft warmth of your skin. It stained the part of your arm you hated most, the part others scarred you with only three words. ’’Nobody needs you.’’ She couldn’t understand quiet why others told her that, it made little sense. Even with the poor choice of words they still seemed to make her feelings hurt her worse than there words. The feelings she felt flowing through her veins felt like hot, burning coal as they made her blood icy. and her feelings periced. The thing she wished she could do most of all was tell them all to fk off. How she wished she could just let out the two words that burned at her the most.  When you're surrounded by all these people, it can be lonelier than when you’re by yourself, but the thought always seem to cross her, even if she didn’t quiet understand why. She couldn’t wait till the day she’d be able to do it. The day when she’d finally say fk you for everything you’ve ever done, fk you for thinking you're better, fk you for everything you’ve done to me. The last sentence froze on the bottom of her lip, as she felt herself shaking. And *******, for being able to take my life.
Written by
Alex  19/F/Canada
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