Grandfather's clock ticked and ticked, the sounds awake you carefully. But still the sounds felt like pounding earthquakes across your head. Pounding and banging inside the dead parts of skull. The box of white, soft, stillness of the used tissue in your hand made everything still and quiet. You’re mind still shaken by remaining moments, seemed to last forever. He came willingly and left willingly just the same. The dark howling shadows left behind continued crawling along the floor as your legs pushed slowly along the floor. Keeping the shadows as far from you, felt like an achievement. But for how many years the achievement no longer remained. You’re achievement now, was keeping him away from you. The dark twisted way he’d smile at you, made you feel like dying. Slowly, in fact, but still dying. The cold puzzled look of death belonging to sliver eyes frightened you, but over time things came clear. And every time he’d stare into you, those chilling, death like words kept your heart still. ’’How far till you fall.’’