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Jan 2021
Blue eyes, sunny treasured waves, a locket, and a scent of peppermint, reminding me of magic. Long nights and sweet, chilly days, never made her flee. Wet air and storm clouds never cancel. Pumpkin summers, and a naked Christmas, spent dinning on chocolate bunnies, melted in white. White and red, blue, and pink cotton candy days we never could remember, clouded my memory of the flashes of red then blue, red then blue.

I never could remember till I bought you that silver treasure. The one you claimed was like a blizzard mixing with the hot warmth of your fragile little pinky finger. Black shadows swam across my blank, pale face, but for only a moment. Although it was a minute captured, your time was captured, forever. Now it says ‘‘Darling’’ on a rock so cold it chills me to the bone. Now all I’m left with is a bottle of your perfume, and a single peppermint coated in green and snow white, that you left behind.
Written by
Alex  19/F/Canada
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