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Jan 2021
Within man lies the mind
Within mind lies the soul
The soul is the root of man and man is the root of soul.
But man is not one so therefore soul is not one,
for man has many faces.
One facing the front, one facing the right, one facing the left and one facing the back, the last one is hidden away in the heart and only by finding it can one find himself.

The one to the front we show the world, for it is a manifestation of what we have learned and absorbed from our surroundings, it is from them it is made and so it is demanded of us to return it to them. It is a face of lies, lies we tell to others and to ourselves, in it is the root of depression.

The one to the right we show to our loved ones, it is a face of acceptance, manifested by the unconditional love and care giving to us regardless of our faults, we give it back, for it is from them it was gotten. In it lies our insecurities, for we all want to be loved but constantly question our right to be.

The one to the left we show to our enemies, it is a face manifested from circumstances, it is free and ever changing, its surface like that of clear water, it returns what it is giving, and takes what it isn't. It is a face of venting and in it lies denial.

The face to the back, we show to our brothers not by blood but of association, it is a face of secrets, it is made from truths we call lies and lies we call truths, in it lies deception.

The face hidden within is the face of birth and death, for it is a face of nature, it is only revealed at the beginning and at the ending of life.
It is the addition and subtraction of all other faces, it is a face of truth, of sacredness, a face of purity. It is the face that asks, who am I? To see that face one must answer the question, to find the answer is to find life, but to understand it's meaning one must die, not in the literal sense of death but of a great forgetting, for only by forgetting can we remember.
Written by
Ken  23/M
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