A fleeting yet tender brush of luck A new face whose structure poses foreign wonder A worldly woman, whose frames suggest a commanding authority, puts people in seats, her prescence priority Squished eyes paired with your unchained smile Unbottled bliss, she gives me this A butterfly that chooses to rest on your arm or the sun streaking through select delicate leaves
Scenery suggests her horizons are unquenched, uncharted beats Spin the globe watch it spinning not stopping Your eyes mapping, beginnings developing Conquer spirits, I say conquer them all! Your voice echoes throughout when it's a room not a hall I have heard your voice Once The remainder, blaring and popping from a record within, the only record The rest warped beyond comprehension
Your hollowed essence lives on Weekend residency on my eternity's beach where dreams shuffle and shout Approaching me with a hand full of satiable scarlet Archives from your vineyard or acquisitions from my persistent parasite He gnaws on all reasonable forms of sense left dizzying upstairs in the manic untethered halls
Logic's fleet engages in a hail of doubt and reason Lovers meet defined by a wandering fool of a mind Let me cling onto this deranged dream, romanticise this idea of rabid romance and give us this broad canvas where I'll scratch and paint our swan song, lavishly The coda eases us into the horror A bow to my creative endeavour and set sail to sizzle into the pit of two-bit death, my dear Our time draws near The cognitive hands strikes, lids are now up