without the feather’s might and plow to sow the lines of soul at the violent hour the hour of blade and blood we reach the same shores yet again
and if we do not come too close we shall never see the wrinkles that stretch like markings left on earth left without water for the yellow heated dust for the rock and the death
what is dug from hardboiled soil is only a flicker of hope the last thing lingering in the ancient box trapped while the other vile evils trample over the old and new roads and the rain’s still nowhere but in the heads of perpetual dreamers
I cannot make sense of things for some time now there is me and there is you separate, separated, separating the trash in the mind of none and when the photos we took and the silence we shared is all but gone there still seems to be some life in us there still seems to be some light in us there still seems to be some love in us yet not for each other