The pearls, Oh how they remind me of the ocean The cool breeze, the waves slowly crashing The birds (I forget what they're called, seagills I think) Yeah, them, flying through the sky and landing on the shores
All the happy memories I once had All the happy times Now taken away from me Snatched right from my fingers And now here I am left cold Cold and naked in an empty room, all black
With no soul left, no emotions, feelings, nothing, no memories
A slave to myself, a slave to the only things I know Toture to the soul No mercy, that's all I've known All he's taught me
Death be upon thy soul were the only words I were taught He snatched them all, all my memories And all my happy thoughts He naked me, naked my soul, naked my mind And left me there In that dark empty room with all the voices
The voices Oh yes, it was the voices that kept me in agony They kept whispering "The end is coming" "The end is coming" Beatened down and broken There was nothing left to live for, So I ended it
I don't know where I got it But sonehow a knife when through my heart Ending all the agony and within those last few moments, I remembered I saw the pearls again one last time The pearls that reminded me of my memories
Funny what love can do to you Funny how it emptys you How it leaves you naked with only the voices to clench to