the bed I once found comforting feels lonely and cold and I have to remind myself I've always been the only person who sleeps on it it's like I miss someone who never existed, a slim shadow from another dimension of something that once brought me warmth
I fall out of my bed a puddle of last night's tears slipping into the shower counting on the same broken promise that I'll feel better when I get ready because how can you hate yourself when you look beautiful?
trying hard to find an outfit feels hypocritical no one's gonna see me no one's gonna care I'm just putting on something because I want to feel like I'm the main character of my own show for once in my life I want to feel that this day is mine to conquer
so I climb into my car the only safe space I have left untainted by the tears that have been shed over text messages and fights between my sister and me it's like rolling down the windows clears the air inside and in screaming lyrics to the same three songs I finally breathe