Rain or shine. Well almost.. but The regulars make the stroll..I can almost set my clock,that is if need it. Two ladies. I call them Mutt and Jeff, Mutt in the right side,Jeff on the left.
One short the other taller. A morning ritual. On occasion, Jeff does a solo Mostly with her wing man though. I watch them come and go.
I asked them their names once but my memory is like smoke in the early morning breeze some days
The regulars. set your clock or calender. I sense a long and abiding bond .Many shared tears and joys.
Nisei or Sansei.? I cant say for sure.
The regulars Like Sunshine rising east.
I am the watcher. The reader of the constant. The regulars .They see me silent mostly. Ghostly.
I am a regular in knee pants. They teach me to be still and regular. To myself be true.
One day I can be a regular too.
This isΒ Β about a duo of Japanese American women who have walked the walk on my block. We dont speak. but they teach me about dedication,fitness and friendship.