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Jul 2013
Baby Britt

Though we never knew if you were girl or boy
you filled mom and dads heart with love and joy
you were here for just a little while
but ever day you made us  smile
ill never get to watch you grow
but we planted flowers as if to show
your name will be locked away
for with you it shall stay
Peighton/Dalton Britt we love you
and miss you
My wife and I were told w/o surgery it would be really hard for her to have a child but one day she got pregnant so we were amazed and happy but 11weeks later the baby passed away before we even new boy or girl but we no she can have one so we are trying again but yet will never forget this one
Joseph  Britt
Written by
Joseph Britt  Carroll
     Joseph Britt and maybella snow
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