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Jan 2021
Life is in phases
Showing you it's different faces

When you're still at the first phase
It'll show you it's good face
And then you'll think life is a bed of roses
Where you just take poses

At it's second phase
It'll show you a different phase
And then you realize it's not as easy as you think
It's a bit harder than you think

Going to another phase
You'll discover a worse face
The troubles of being a teen
You'll discover how hard it is to get things

Moving to a much worse phase
You'll discover a much worse face
As an adult
You might wish your life come to a halt

And then you move to the last phase
It might show a wrinkled, painful or peaceful face
When you're in your old age
All you'd enjoy is adage

Life is in phases
*Beautiful or ugly, learn to enjoy the faces
Prosper Mbah
Written by
Prosper Mbah  17/F/Nigeria
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