Explosions in the sky That certain rush of words covered with ideas I am not so afraid of That simple touch of a pen poets picture as their current heaven And heaven lies within the lies where real people exist and in-concrete dust flies And flies surround the inner spaces between my heart and yours Those inter dimensional cracks that keep us alive together Yet those same cracks cause the Explosions in the sky When a million thoughts tremble under shattered glass And glass becomes rain over a nation That had no occupation A station Where all the emotions find a leak Where all the leaks lead to leisure The flood of blood narrated to form a spring out of Arab's fall And freedom is attained with the sound of Explosions in the sky When betrayal becomes the living scenario of a very normal human being Who believed that his sanctuary is in unison with his sanctions Strategies structured his not so subtle approach And after that he fell into her Explosions in the sky When a man loses his vision upon a mild smile When a cry for help becomes an invite for suicide Come…help me be the Portrait of clay you'll form with your delicate hands Shape my image And imagine a shape for my form Form a set for me to follow Follow my moves for if I fall of your track Track me back to the first point The playstation of life saves checkpoints Yet my life is full of glitches… For when I look at you I am supposed to be looking at you But all I'm seeing is Explosions in the sky When a trouble-free man becomes the complex notion of a firework Those little pieces of fiery smoke Grabs it And smokes the last buds of life out of his people The governor governing the covers he created To alienate the truth I found in your eyes And I shall never be mislead Instead I shall be steadfast and ready For you I shall be ready for you And your Explosions in the sky When a poet has no words left to write In the right time Literally the speaker is speechless He's too busy wondering in total observation The explosions… The explosions we create The skies that unveil And that little feeling of satisfaction With the last bits of an ink written Poem.