salt offerings to the wounds of pride difference between dark of doom and the engine of simple summer eve
night sustains but but doom is the door to the great beyond and the fates fair or foul that awaits each of us
a voice echoes along the path to all the heavens ever proposed by mans thought that voice speaks of years spins a tale of labors whispers songs of longing quietly shouts story's of horror
reserve your strengths friend for the battle yet to come hush your unquiet mind and lay your head down to rest soon enough blades shall stir to war soon enough widows shall gather their children to graveside rememberence of fallen fathers
as trailing edge of summer day slips into the past the depth and majesty of summer night unfolds crickets and the sounds of feasting familys warm breeze in the tall grass the sand of a beach on your fingertips simple joys in our world and of our lives are the counterbalance the the dark things in our world