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Jan 2021
My day’s done;the night begins
With narry a star in my sky
Of dark clouds and memory’s stings
Harkening back to days gone by

There was a time ,still’d by thoughts
When rythmic words did easy flow
Some spoken and some silent kept
The treasured hoards from long ago

No turbulence could hold its sway  
Dawn and dusk both wore a smile
Dark shadows heard a silent prayer
For lingering dreams to last a while

Alas the pen that once could craft
Words that made passions flare
Now lies dry - like an aged man
A withered tube beyond repair

Yet I try with care and skill
Just a drop of ink to find
To write of laughter and of joy
And still the tortures of the mind
Written after recovering from after effects of cancer surgery and chemotherapy
Written by
   MS Anjaan
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