I imagine the wedding day will look beautiful You will probably be the most stunning bride and your parents will beam with pride your dad will made jokes as he walks you down the aisle and mom will surely cry Your sister and brother will stand by your side I know your aunt and uncles will be so proud and as your dad gives you away and you look at the one that is right for you I hope you remember me remember me not in a bad way but as someone who helped pave the way to your beautiful bride I know I will remember you when I look at mine I'll remember the way you loved me like no one before and the way your family made me feel I'll think of them from time to time but you I shall think about you more than I wish because I know that we shared something so special but it just wasn't meant to last we will not see each other on our special day but I hope you think of me and remember the way we pushed off of each other to find our one that will give us our special day