A walk through thirsty land Breathe... step... breathe... step Dunes of towerring, rusty sand With each step, breathe... step No rules, no lanes... no need to 'keep left' Or walk in any particular direction... but that which you choose Too hot by day to play, by night... too cold to snooze It is beautiful, in an evil way Impressive, but can **** It giveth less than it taketh away That bone piercing, nightly chill It's getting closer, time grinds teasingly on The dunes seem to get taller, teasing the sun Whose heat, direct from sky to forehead Squeezes my pores... Breathe... step... breathe... breathe... step And robs my body of its last bead of sweat Breathe... breathe... breathe... step Attempt to swallow saliva... feel like I'm gurgling on glass Breathe... stop No tree... open land... sea of sand... parched Breathe Try to reassure myself, in a raspy monotone Wish for one thing right now, not water... chlorofoam So I can pass on, and not feel it The desert's friends are up and about in the dark, cheering "**** it! **** it!" I try to ill will it... try to hold on But this warrior of nature's choke hold, grip... proves too strong To fight So... tonight I decide "It's over, I'm gone" I can hear the afterlife call Out to me Pick myself up... Breathe... step... stumble... fall.