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Jan 2021
How many men have died for peace ?
Bullets leave shells of brass and flesh, shattered like glass.

Martyrs manufactured by lead waiting to be dead.
It doesn't change, it's all the same.
Slain in the day, no pity for pain.

War games aren't won with a roll of the dice. They're lost with the packing of the board.

Tears of widows plunge deep wells.
Fathers without sons and sons without fathers.

Martyrs die defending the name of martyrs. It doesn't mean a thing.

I'd take longevity in life over longevity in memory.

They say blood is thicker than water. But oil is thicker than both.

Thicker still are those who burn it all, the blood, such a crude waste.
There isn't ever peace, there's just the reloading of a magazine, the fattening of an army.

We can spend wealth we don't own on lands we don't want. Won't want after boots bounce off bones.
Can feed battalions but not children.

Just know your car runs on blood. Built of fossils made yesterday.

Just know there is no such thing as fighting for peace.
Just pieces of peace, the spaces between graves.

But we’re good at digging graves, after all, we’re told to dig trenches to live.
Ay so I know I'm not **** hot at this whole poetry thing but would really appreciate some comments/ constructive or devastating criticism. Thanks for reading if you did, that's enough as it is.
Written by
FDTA  20/M/Birmingham
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