These are the days of our last summer The days stretch long yet our time runs short And goodbye has already begun My heart starts pounding in my chest When I think about the weeks ahead And all the years we have behind us My tears burn like the summer sun My breath is raspy in my throat Because I know goodbye is coming And this time it's forever
These are the days of our last summer And I cry to God with all my soul How can this be? I cling to what is slipping away Because I know this time left with you Will soon be just a memory Forever marred with the pain Of knowing how the story ends I'm so sorry I keep crying when we're together
These are the days of our last summer And I know it's more difficult for you Than you will ever let me know But your smiles are like the fireworks They burst so bright and yet they'll fade And somehow you don't mind Burning yourself up Just to give me something beautiful to remember Your cheerfulness so often selfless Always so strong and brave
These are the days of our last summer Which hug will be our last? The last time you will hold my hand And chase away the nightmares Our last walk, our last drive together Our last pointless conversation Everything is changing soon We'll say goodbye and you'll be gone I'll stare at your empty bedroom Holding a sunset of memories in my heart
These are the days of our last summer And I remember so much we've shared Fireflies lighting up a flooded night Walking with angels by a lake Eating ice cream in the snow Falling, laughing, crying And always your hand to pull me up Holding me across the years Teaching me to stand But I never wanted to stand without you
These are the days of our last summer And words will never capture The love I learned from you You taught me the meaning of sunrise And I will not forget No matter how the years may pass I will always see you written across the summer days Brilliant, bright, and burning You brought the sun into my life Which outshines even goodbye