Sometimes the road of life Leads to some cities and towns You don't wanna go to Some are the big smog filled cities Some are the deserted ghost towns Filled with all the things that An innocent child's nightmares are made of
These places are uncomfortable They make us want to hide Run. Our thoughts are all different But they have the same purpose We roam down the road of life Sometimes fast at times slow But the road keeps going
We are brought to places We don't want to be But we are never brought to places That have no exit There is always another place
When our path finally does end It is never in one of those places Fear and hostility are No where to be found at the end of time Peace and serenity When we finally leave our path Where our human form can no longer walk *We are home.
To anyone who thinks they can't make it past this, thing, whatever it is that is making you stuck. One of those places in life where you don't want to push through it anymore. Remember, you are beautiful, you are strong, and no matter what you believe someone or something will help you through. Your path does not end in a place where things are hard and life is being cruel. Your soul will be at peace one day and you will know why you are here. So please for those people who want to stop trying, you have made it through what you have because you are strong, no one else needs to understand. But I am telling you now that your strength is BEAUTIFUL. Don't give that up!