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Jul 2013
Spending time doing jive on backs of other peoples lives

As the sun clocks 17 minutes shining on a ****** in the brook

God has drawn the day for clouds to suffocate apologize and relax

Some dreams are worth a fresh & unwrapped dawn

Not even a day dream when the minutes become senseless past midnight could kiss the peak of the sun rising if you wait in line to see it

The most virile days of a conscious lifetime lived are when the roads still lead to nowhere and you drive and drive imagining too much to notice

If God’s eyes are loving before me, they have seen my heart build my body

If God’s presence gleans my hope all that stacks the earth atop soil and eternal people recognize and become bashful knowing knowledge is love and curiosity is breath that you can cry out if you are small with a giants love with a giants knowledge

One return erases the point and there are places no one has never been

Hope is accounted for in people who you rule out
Eric Robinson
Written by
Eric Robinson  Oklahoma
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