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Jul 2013
Madness my friend it is time
To take up my pencil and rhyme
To rhyme without reason
But the change of the seasons
Madness my friend it is time

Madness my friend I have lost
Creativity comes at a cost
I lost my humanity
To gain this insanity
Madness my friend I have lost

Madness my foe you must leave
I shall give you no time to grieve
I can not sleep
Since you slaughtered my sheep
Madness my foe you must leave

Madness my friend you are back
Without you my poems did lack
That cool type of style
That has taken me miles
Madness my friend you are back
Thomas Caamano
Written by
Thomas Caamano  U.S.A
     Aggie Fredette and Thomas Caamano
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