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Jul 2013
Another year
filled with heartache and tears...
I often wonder
were you really sincere?
About what you said long ago
all those years?
All I had imagined
has been replaced by fear...
Fear of what's to come
and fear of being left here...
Left here to meditate
on past regrets...
To thinks of what ifs?
and how my heart bled...
As I sit here all alone I wonder...
If God really put us together
then why has man put asunder?
Or are we paying for our sins
and facing God's thunder?
An enemy born
from the heart of my lover...
My adversary transformed
from my eternal brother...
I need your help Father
to purge from within me...
These feelings of anger,
bitterness, hurt, and grief...
I want healing and wholeness
purity and love...
Things no man can offer
but are sent from above...
So the light can be
rekindled within me...
To bring others to you
so they can behold your glory...
On this day this is all I ask for
this is my plea...
This is the one gift I desire
on my anniversary.
Written by
Tracey Anderson
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