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Dec 2020
Play of That Only
Play of divine is creating of rules –
Chips’ understanding is here handicapped:
Masters are fond of perfecting their tools,
Keeping in mystery where they’re kept.

Not blunt instructions they ever prefer
But of approaches caress mild:
This is the way how all who care for
Potence reveal, seeming weakness despite…

Freedom in play – variations in rules
Hidden, combining their natures, within
Range demonstrates, though the players in use
Honey-experience are guarding with sting.

Hives not for those who fill them are built,
Difficult is to imagine the aim:
Just elevated as if through the guilt
Is every fake of a true diadem…

But every crown is a symbol not more,
Playful connection of rules in the world:
Starting or ending in it to adore,
New interchanging unseen with the old.

Diving – like soaring: don’t only mix
Their elementals in action and phrase,
For truly high only those are peaks
That only winds and abysses can praise!..
Vladislav Martynovitch
Written by
Vladislav Martynovitch  34/M
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