distorted guitar chords strum across the barracks that withstand the suicide in my mind day and day come i listen to the same songs each day they become longer than before quieter it’s hard to hear over them they never stop christmas lights hanging on the soft edges of the void that is my room they whisper to me things i wish to never hear no more im clinging onto my last hope but i’m slipping i cant seem to help myself get better i’ve been drowning for the last year or two the cassette tape under water is slowing down im afraid to reach the day my broken distorted guitar chords stop slowing down and just stop is that when the end will be? i think it is finally visible in my blurry vision false hope never fails to trip me like it’s being hung in front of me the tip of my nose almost brushes against it my arms are tied behind my back im wrapped in a thin stiff blanket that only gains thread at each tug im starting to lose my hearing or maybe the music is just coming to an end the end in which my thoughts consume me like ravenous beings leaving me to starve with out hope