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Jul 2013
We gazed up at the blue sky
watching the ominous clouds dissipate into the familiar heavy blanket
that flowers over the earth after the sun says its goodnight.

The big dipper--the only constellation I can ever point out
with felicitous fingers and waving arms--burned and gleamed
harmoniously with my itching imagination and quiescent mind.

We spoke with wonder, amazement, grace as the stars flew by.
I wished for nothing, but that didn't keep me from questioning
what you thought about when the world revolves,
inching closer to sunlight and the next day.

We stayed up all night, beneath darkness and safety, and our hopes bloomed aggravatingly,
connecting our hearts as the morning wind blew ripples,
softly and sweetly, towards sticks and stones at the shoreline.

You can't say you've enjoyed a full day if you've never stayed up to see the moon's hello and its opposite's goodbye, the sun's good morning and night's farewell,
with heavy eyelids from lack of slumber
and a missing hand to hold.
Written by
Olivia Llewol
   claire darling
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