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Dec 2020
No is one outcome,
No is emptiness,
No is devoid,
No is a void of possibilities.

I did not go outside
I did not ask for their number
I did not play guitar.

I am not in the sun.
I am not skilled.
I am lonely...

Don’t frame a canvas
It’s not art yet, nobody asked what if?
Why not?
How come?

We know what no is
Yes is the thrill
a blissful pill
Easier to swallow than “truth”
“Truth” is that I know that I don’t know.
Everything beyond that is a socially agreed contract so we can live in the same world and operate in it.

But we can still cooperate and push the pen,
Who the **** changed the world by not looking?
No is one thing,
No is a personal prison and you head is the key. Turn it the right way, and you’ll see what I mean, the doors open anyway, you just gotta——-..
Say yes.
Humanity is victim to its lack of imagination. Don’t say I can’t, because I ****** will!
If you got the will you got the power.
And if you got the power, then the rest falls into place. Love yourself, nobody else will, and only you know you.
Written by
FDTA  20/M/Birmingham
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